Brexit Blog

Brexit is an unprecedented political, economic and legal phenomenon. The Monckton Brexit Blog gives you expert legal insight and analysis from barristers at Monckton Chambers.

Blog posts

5 Dec, 2018

Wightman AG opinion

In his opinion today, the Advocate General at the CJEU has made clear that...
3 Dec, 2018

State Aid and The Withdrawal Agreement: Key Points

The UK Government’s intention to maintain the EU State aid rules has been clear...
30 Oct, 2018

Government publishes regulations to reform the UK competition regime in the event of a ‘no deal’ Brexit

The Government has this afternoon laid regulations before Parliament to reform the UK competition...
14 Sep, 2018

George Peretz QC and Practical Law: “Brexit: the unpalatable consequences of no deal”

George Peretz QC analyses the trade consequences for both the UK and the EU if...
13 Sep, 2018

The Government’s ‘no deal’ Brexit paper on mergers and antitrust

The Government has today published 28 new planning documents explaining what will happen in...
20 Jun, 2018

Article 50 decision validly taken: new judgment

R. (on the application of Webster) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European...
19 Jun, 2018

Forthcoming Brexit Book “The UK Constitution after Miller: Brexit and beyond”

Next month, Hart Publishing will publish “The UK Constitution after Miller: Brexit and beyond”,...
12 Jun, 2018

Dispute Settlement under the “Future Arrangements”

General In April, I wrote a post (here) describing the dispute settlement mechanisms (DSMs)...
8 Jun, 2018

Members of Monckton Chambers submit evidence to House of Commons inquiry on Dispute Resolution in the Withdrawal Agreement

Carl Baudenbacher, Peter Oliver and Michael Bowsher QC made a joint submission to the...
8 Jun, 2018

Procurement after Brexit: the UK and the GPA

The UK has expressed its interest in joining the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement...