Selection & interviews

Written applications for pupillage are through the Bar Council’s Pupillage Gateway.  We score applications using objective and fair criteria to select for interview.

Our interview process is in two stages. The first interview is shorter and less formal. We seek to identify candidates with the skills and potential to be outstanding barristers within our fields of expertise. We do not test specific legal knowledge.

We offer a second interview to a shortlist of candidates. The second interview is based on a legal problem that the candidate has been given to consider immediately before the interview. Again, the problem is intended to test the candidate’s critical reasoning skills, rather than his or her knowledge of any particular area of law. Candidates may also be asked to complete a short piece of written work.

Candidates invited for a second interview are offered the opportunity of spending some time with us on a mini-pupillage to learn more about what we do and to experience the atmosphere in Chambers.
