This website has been designed with accessibility in mind. The pages on this site have been designed in standards compliant XHTML -ensuring compatibility with the vast majority of existing browsers. These standards enable useful accessibility features to be used with this site, including:
- Style is exclusively controlled by Cascading Style Sheets and uses relative font sizes which allows resizing of the font using the browser. In Internet Explorer this is done under the ‘View’ menu and selecting a larger size. In most other browsers, this can be done by holding down the ‘Ctrl’ button and pressing the + and – keys
- All images that convey information have an ‘alt’ attribute that describes what the image is portraying
- No information is exclusively conveyed using colour
For individuals who have difficulty using a mouse or other input device, we provide a range of keyboard shortcuts. These are listed below. 0 – Access key definition 1 – Home page 9 – Contact us In most web browsers, the user invokes the access key by pressing Alt (on PC) simultaneously with the appropriate character on the keyboard, then Enter. Or Ctrl (on Mac) simultaneously with the appropriate character on the keyboard.