Attorney General’s Panel Appointments – Conor McCarthy and Jack Williams

21 Jan 2019
Moncton Chambers London Pic:Nick Strugnell©

The Members of Monckton Chambers are pleased to announce that in the recent round of appointments Conor McCarthy and Jack Williams have been appointed to the ‘C’ Panel.  Both appointments commence from 1st March for five years.

The Attorney General maintains four advisory panels of junior counsel to undertake civil and EU work for all government departments. There are three London panels (an A panel for senior juniors, a B panel for middle juniors, a C panel for junior juniors) and a regional panel.  In addition there are three Public International Law Panels.

In total 22 members of Monckton Chambers are on the AG’s panels:

A  Panel: Raymond HillAnneli HowardAlan Bates, Ben LaskAndrew MacnabPeter MantleBrendan McGurkRobert PalmerValentina SloaneRob Williams

B Panel: Eric MetcalfeAzeem SuterwallaEwan West, Fiona Banks

C Panel: Anneliese BlackwoodTarlochan LallJulianne Kerr Morrison, Conor McCarthyMichael Armitage, Jack Williams

Public International Law B Panel: Anneli HowardThomas Sebastian

Public International Law C Panel: Nikolaus Grubeck 

For further information, see the Government Legal Department (GLD) website.
