The Lawyer has highlighted 15 disputes set to be heard in both the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court in 2021. Thirteen members of Monckton Chambers are instructed in the following four highlighted cases.
Phones 4U v Orange, Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom
For the defendant, EE:
Meredith Pickford QC and David Gregory, instructed by Clifford Chance partners Samantha Ward and Jeremy Kosky.
For the defendant, Vodafone Limited and Vodafone Group Plc:
Rob Williams QC instructed by Hogan Lovells partner John Tillman
Royal Mail v Ofcom
For the appellant, Royal Mail:
Daniel Beard QC and Ciar McAndrew, instructed by Ashurst partner Nigel Parr.
For the respondent, Ofcom:
Josh Holmes QC, alongside Julianne Kerr Morrison and Nikolaus Grubeck, instructed by Ofcom’s in-house legal team.
For third-party, Whistl:
Monckton’s Jon Turner QC is leading Alan Bates and Daisy Mackersie, instructed by Tower House partner Rosaleen Hubbard.
Gregor Fisken v Bernard Carl
For the respondent, Gregor Fisken LTD:
William Hooper instructed by Rosenblatt partner Simon Walton.
Lloyd v Google
For the ICO as the intervening party:
Gerry Facenna QC and Nikolaus Grubeck instructed by the ICO.
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