Cutting edge developments in pharma antitrust 2018


3 May, 2018    
6:30pm - 8:00pm


Event Type

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6pm registration for a 6.30pm start | 1 CPD Point

Reflections/lessons learnt from Monckton Counsel acting in the seminal EU/UK cases: Pfizer/Flynn and the blockbuster ‘pay for delay’ cases of Lundbeck, Servier and Paroxetine

Chair: Josh Holmes QC

Mark Brealey QC and Ronit Kreisberger

  • The role of benchmarks in the analysis of excessive prices – for drugs and generally
  • Significance of the AG Wahl Opinion / Judgment in the Latvian copyright society case
  • The antitrust regulator’s approach to testing prices
  • Deploying evidence on prices in the CAT
  • Competition law as a tool to plug a regulatory lacuna

Jon Turner QC

  • Proving one’s case in the CAT: the “pay for delay” experience, CAT procedure, and forensic tactics
  • Defining the market in the context of suspected abuse of dominance by pharma companies

George Peretz QC

  • Where are we now? Lundbeck, Servier and, now, Paroxetine in the ECJ

This seminar is free to attend, to secure your place please click here.
