Who’s Who Legal (WWL) 2017 recognises Monckton Chambers as the leading set for Government Contracts

22 Aug 2017

Recently published research by Who’s Who Legal (WWL) lists 424 legal experts in government contracts from over 600 law firms across the world. Monckton Chambers leads the way in terms of barristers recognised and is in the top three in the overall table of “Leading firms and sets in WWL: Government Contracts 2017 by number of listings”.

This is what the researchers say:

Monckton Chambers boasts the leading public procurement offering at the UK Bar.”

Michael Bowsher QC focuses on procurement disputes in both the public and private sector and also has a significant regulatory practice. One peer calls him “the top public procurement practitioner in the UK”.

The “very bright and personableRob Williams is an esteemed public law litigator with considerable expertise in procurement matters.

Ewan West is recommended by peers as “someone who I particularly rate” and “a strong junior”.

Anneliese Blackwood has appeared in several high-profile cases in numerous courts and is recognised as a leading junior in public procurement matters.

Philip Moser QC, Ben Rayment, Valentina Sloane and Fiona Banks are also listed for this practice area.

For further information see WWL Government Contract Analysis 2017.
