Valentina Sloane KC

Valentina Sloane KC

Call: 2000 | Silk: 2019

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    BA, Oxford (First Class) Diplome d’etudes specialisees en droit europeen, Brussels (Grande Distinction)

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    Ranked as a “Star Individual” in Chambers & Partners, Valentina Sloane KC is a leading litigator and advocate across the fields of procurement, VAT and other indirect taxes, trade and customs, commercial, regulatory and public law.

    The leading directories have consistently recommended Valentina as a top ranked barrister in her fields of specialist expertise. She has been described as “One of the best advocates of her generation”, “extraordinarily bright”, “incredibly compelling”, “a formidable opponent”, and “a tough, tenacious and brilliant advocate” with “excellent command of the detail and complex litigation work”. She is also “extremely user-friendly and responsive” and “has great client-facing skills”.

    Who’s Who Legal recognises Valentina as a Global Leader in a variety of commercial and regulatory fields (Trade & Customs, Government Contracts and Tax Controversy). It describes her as “an impressive and powerful barrister” and “an exceptional advocate who is hugely respected in court”.

    Valentina has extensive experience of leading high-value, complex and high-profile litigation. Her recent cases include representing the claimant in a challenge to the Government’s procurement of a £1 billion contract for a supercomputer, one of The Lawyer’s Top 20 cases of 2022, acting in the Supreme Court on a customs duties case and appearing before the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the EU in a challenge to the validity of VAT legislation for online platforms.

    Valentina’s practice encompasses acting for both private entities and public bodies in procurement litigation, VAT, import and customs duties, excise duties, gaming duties, trade remedies, subsidies, anti-dumping duties, commercial, regulatory and public law. Her practice in these areas spans various industry sectors, including rail and transport, health, energy, gaming, IT and finance.

    Prior to taking silk, Valentina was a member of the Attorney General’s A Panel and has wide-ranging public law and judicial review expertise.

    • News
    • Tax and duties

      Valentina is recognised in the directories as one of the top silks in the field of indirect taxes. Who’s Who Legal names her as a Global Leader in Tax Controversy.

      Valentina specialises in VAT, customs and excise duties.

      Valentina is a contributor to the Tax Journal and De Voil Tax Intelligence.

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “A great all-rounder with excellent client-handling skills, who is very good technically and on the strategy.” “Valentina has one of the sharpest VAT minds in the business. Her speedy grasp of complex technical matters is first class.” – Chambers UK, 2021

      Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘She is a class act.’’ – Legal 500, 2020


      Court of Justice of the EU:

      • C-182/19 Pfizer (customs duties, healthcare products)
      • C-545/16 Kubota (customs duties, motor vehicles)
      • Case C-134/13 Fluke and Raytek (customs classification of thermal imagers)
      • Case C-259/10 Rank Group plc (gambling, tax, fiscal neutrality)
      • Case C-215/10 Pacific World and FDD International (customs classification)
      • Case C-517/07 Afton Chemicals (excise duties, mineral oils, electricity, energy)
      • Case C-452/03 RAL (Channel Islands) Limited v Customs and Excise (gambling, tax, place of supply)

      Supreme Court/House of Lords:

      • FMX [2020] (customs duties, limitation period)
      • Rank Group plc [2015] (gambling, statutory interpretation)
      • Pendragon [2015] (car industry, alleged VAT avoidance)
      • Fleming / Conde Nast v. HMRC [2008] (legality of time limits)
      • Dr Beynon and Partners v. Customs and Excise [2004] (single/multiple supplies, healthcare)

      Court of Appeal:

      • Adecco [2018] (agency and principal, temporary workers)
      • Insurancewide and Trader Media [2010] EWCA Civ 422 (insurance intermediary exemption)
      • Bloomsbury International Ltd v Sea Fish Industry Authority & Defra [2010] EWCA Civ 263 (legality of levy on sea fish products, charge equivalent to a customs duty)
      • BAGS & Others v Amalgamated Racing [2009] EWCA Civ 750 (horseracing, betting, media rights)
      • Dwr Cymru v Albion Water [2008] EWCA Civ 536 (water industry, margin squeeze)
      • Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra/Longborough Festival Opera v Customs and Excise [2006] EWCA Civ 1281 (cultural exemption)

      High Court:

      • R (on the application of Premier Foods) v HMRC [2015] STC 2384 (restitution of mistakenly paid VAT, Reemtsma principles)
      • R (on the application of The Minister for Economic Development of the States of Jersey ) v Revenue and Customs [2012] EWHC 718 (Admin) (legality of legislation closing low value consignment relief)
      • Portsmouth City Football Club v HMRC [2010] EWHC 75 (Ch) (insolvency)
      • Bloomsbury International Ltd v Sea Fish Industry Authority & Defra [2009] EWHC 1721 (QB) (legality of levy on seafood products)
      • Flir v HMRC [2009] EWHC 82 (thermal imagers, customs classification)

      Upper Tribunal:

      • Milton Keynes [2020] (NHS bodies, assessment powers, section 41(3) refunds)
      • Rank and Done Bros [2020] (fiscal neutrality, gaming machines)
      • Adecco UK Ltd v HMRC [2017] (VAT, agency workers)
      • Honeywell Analytics Ltd v HMRC [2017] (customs duties, classification)
      • Clear plc v HMRC [2016] (application to reinstate struck-out appeal)
      • Barrus & Kubota v HMRC [2013] (dumpers, customs classification)
      • Rank Group plc v HMRC [2012] (gambling, fiscal neutrality)
      • Photron Europe v HMRC [2012] (video recorders, cameras, customs classification)
      • Pendragon v HMRC [2012] (motor industry, alleged VAT avoidance)

      First Tier Tribunal:

      • Fenix v HMRC [2020] (internet platform, social media website, challenge to legality of EU law, reference to CJEU)
      • McBraida v HMRC [2019] (zero-rating, aircraft parts)
      • N Brown Group [2018] (partial exemption, retail)
      • Adullam Homes [2018] (charity, exemption)
      • Euro Packaging Ltd v HMRC [2017] UKFTT 160 (TC) (customs duties, classification, remission)
      • Hotels4U v HMRC [2016] UKFTT 718 (TC) (tour operators, TOMS)
      • N Brown plc v HMRC [2016] UKFTT 445 (TC) (VAT, disclosure of without prejudice correspondence)
      • National Car Parks Ltd v Revenue & Customs Commissioners [2015] UKFTT 666 (TC) (consideration for VAT supplies)
      • Nufarm v HMRC [2014] UKFTT 54 (TC) (customs duties, inward processing relief)
      • Honda v HMRC [2013] (tractors, customs classification)
      • TUI Travel plc & Others v HMRC [2012] (tourism, TOMS, discounts)
      • Jaguar Land Rover v Revenue & Customs [2012] UKFTT 562 (motor industry, customs classification, tariff quota)
      • Furukawa Electric Europe Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2012] UKFTT 129 (TC) (motor industry, customs classification)
      • Dransfield Novelty Company Ltd & Others v Revenue & Customs [2011] UKFTT 348 (TC) (amusement machine licence duty)
      • Oasis Technologies (UK) Ltd v Revenue & Customs [2010] UKFTT 292 (TC) (gaming machines and lotteries)
      • Skipton Building Society [2009] UKFTT (partial exemption and attribution)
      • Allen Carr’s Easyway [2009] UKFTT 181 (medical exemption)



    • Public procurement

      Valentina has extensive experience of public procurement.

      She is recommended in the directories as one of the top silks in the field of public procurement. Who’s Who Legal names her as a Global Leader in Government Contracts.

      “Gets to the heart of complex issues quickly and provides value in developing strategy.” She has a commanding courtroom presence and her cross-examination has real impact with the judges.” – Chambers UK, 2021

      Valentina Sloane KC is “an impressive and powerful barrister” and “an exceptional advocate who is hugely respected in court”. One peer effuses, “She is fiercely intelligent and delivers a more effective message in 15 minutes than many barristers do in two hours.” – Who’s Who Legal, Global Guide 2020, Government Contracts


      • Rail Franchise litigation [2020] (challenge to rail franchise procurements by Stagecoach and others)
      • Eurotunnel [2019] (the Brexit ferry case, challenge to award of contracts to ferry companies by the Secretary of State for Transport)
      • Bombardier Transportation v London Underground [2018] (challenge to procurement of tube trains)
      • Bombardier Transportation Ltd v Merseytravel [2017] EWHC 575 (TCC) (damages claim in relation to a contract for rolling stock, confidentiality).
      • Medicure Ltd v The Minister for the Cabinet Office [2015] EWHC 1854 (TCC) (challenge to the legality of a framework agreement)
      • Group M UK Ltd v Cabinet Office [2015] 1 CMLR 43 (allegedly abnormally low tender, lifting of the statutory suspension)
      • NP Aerospace Limited (trading as Morgan Advanced Materials Composites and Defence Systems) v Ministry of Defence [2014] EWHC 2741 (TCC). Represented the Ministry of Defence in proceedings concerning a claim for damages in respect of an allegedly abnormally low tender and alleged breaches of obligations of equal treatment and transparency. Successfully applied to lift the automatic suspension.
      • Vestey Foods UK Ltd v Secretary of State for Defence [2014] EWHC (TCC). Represented the claimant in proceedings concerning a claim for damages in respect of alleged breaches of EU law in the rejection of a tender as non-compliant.
      • Fujitsu Services Ltd v (1) Department of Transport (2) IBM UK Ltd [2014] EWHC 1177 (HC). Represented the Department of Transport in proceedings seeking damages and a declaration for ineffectiveness, concerning an allegedly unlawful novation and Pressetext amendments to a contract. Successfully resisted interlocutory applications relating to disclosure. The case settled on confidential terms.
      • R (on the application of National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, Transport Salaried Staffs Association and Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen) v (1) Secretary of State for Transport (2) First Capital Connect [2014] EWHC (Admin). Represented the interested party in this judicial review alleging a failure to consult and a breach of Regulation 1370/2007 on public passenger transport by rail and road, arising from the award of a railway franchise.
      • Pearson Driving Assessments Ltd v (1) Minister for the Cabinet (2) Secretary of State for Transport [2013] EWHC (TCC). Acted for the Defendants in proceedings concerning alleged breaches of obligations of equal treatment and transparency in the application of the assessment of financial standing and an allegedly abnormally low tender. The case settled on confidential terms.
      • R (on the application of UNISON) v NHS Wiltshire Primary Care Trust & 9 Others & (1) NHS Shared Business Services Ltd (2) Secretary of State for Health [2012] EWHC 624 (Admin). Acted for the interested party in a judicial review challenging the decisions of the defendant primary care trusts to outsource family health services to the interested party. Eady J. determined that the unions did not have sufficient standing to bring the judicial review and were out of time. An appeal was due to be heard in the Court of Appeal but settled prior to the hearing.



    • What the directories say

      Public Procurement: “She is probably the best KC I have ever worked with. She is direct, highly informed, quick to respond, practical and commercial.” “She is the best of the best.” “She is brilliant to work with and a total team player.”  Chambers UK, 2025

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “A pre-eminent tax barrister, who is fantastically intelligent and so dedicated.” “A great courtroom advocate who is a go-to silk for VAT and customs matters,” “She has encyclopaedic knowledge of indirect tax matters and is very clear when delivering her views.” “A real problem solver, with a broad range of expertise, who’s really good with clients.” “She is so user-friendly and super smart. Added to this, her response times are almost immediate.”  Chambers UK, 2025

      Leading Silk in Public procurement: “Valentina is excellent. Assured and confident, down in the detail and super organised. Instils confidence in her position from having a total grasp of the issues, evidence and wider risk issues. Exceptional advocate who holds the court’s attention and is excellent in unpicking evasive witnesses.” – Legal 500, 2025

      Leading Silk in Tax: VAT and excise: “Incredibly smart whilst being very user-friendly. A real team player and excellent advocate.” – Legal 500, 2025

      Public Procurement: She is extremely intelligent and brilliant in her analysis.” “Valentina is excellent in conferences and is a very strong advocate in court.” “She is professional, knowledgeable and very clear and concise.” – Chambers UK, 2024

      Tax: Indirect Tax: She has a measured style.” “A leading light in the indirect tax world, who is very popular and highly responsive to clients.” “She is the full package.” “She is the queen of strategy and an excellent advocate.” “Valentina is at the top of her game – a leading silk for VAT.” – Chambers UK, 2024

      Leading Silk in Public procurement: ‘‘Valentina is a complete star, combining superb intelligence with laser-like legal insight.’ – Legal 500, 2024

      Leading Silk in Tax: VAT and excise: ‘‘Valentina is incredibly bright and an excellent advocate in hearings. She is responsive and thinks quickly on her feet and she is incredibly well prepared and insightful.’’ – Legal 500, 2024

      Public Procurement: “She is incisive, robust and well-prepared.” “Valentina is a class act.” “Really forceful and clear in her submissions, she’s really liked by judges.” “Brilliant, good with clients and just a great advocate.” – Chambers UK, 2023

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “Valentina is a great advocate, who gives practical and commercial advice.” “She provides authoritative, clear and unbiased opinions.” “Always gives great written advice and is very effective in court.” – Chambers UK, 2023

      Leading Silk in Public procurement: ‘‘Valentina is excellent at complex litigation work.’Legal 500, 2023

      Leading Silk in Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘Valentina is becoming the go-to silk for customs and VAT disputes. With a tireless work ethic and effortless advocacy style, she is a delight to work with.’’Legal 500, 2023

      Recommended in Government Contracts, Who’s Who Legal Global Guide 2022

      ‘‘Valentina Sloane QC is a deeply experienced silk who frequently works on major procurement cases for high-profile pharmaceutical and transport companies.” –  Government Contracts, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2022

      Recommended in  Corporate Tax, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2022

      Public Procurement: “Gets straight to the point and takes a very commercial view.” “A thoughtful barrister who is meticulous in her preparation and a highly effective advocate.” – Chambers UK, 2022

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “A superb advocate who is hard-working and commercial in her approach.” “She presents very well and is friendly and easy to work with.” – Chambers UK, 2022

      Leading Silk in Public procurement: ‘‘A fine advocate with a fine analytic legal mind. She had the judge’s ear.’Legal 500, 2022

      Leading Silk in Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘Valentina has a great eye for detail and is collaborative. She is an excellent communicator, thorough and has detailed technical knowledge.’’Legal 500, 2022

      ‘‘One of the best advocates of her generation” report peers, who highlight that that she “is always thoroughly prepared, calm and commercial” –  Government Contracts, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2021

      Recommended in  Corporate Tax, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2021

      Public Procurement: “Gets to the heart of complex issues quickly and provides value in developing strategy.” She has a commanding courtroom presence and her cross-examination has real impact with the judges.” – Chambers UK, 2021

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “A great all-rounder with excellent client-handling skills, who is very good technically and on the strategy.” “Valentina has one of the sharpest VAT minds in the business. Her speedy grasp of complex technical matters is first class.” – Chambers UK, 2021

      New Silk in Public procurement: ‘‘A fine advocate with a fine analytic legal mind. She had the judge’s ear.’Legal 500, 2021

      New Silk in Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘Very user friendly with clients and has a great grasp of the detail when evidence is complex.’’Legal 500, 2021

      “Secures impressive endorsements from peers for her deep knowledge of EU procurement regimes.” – Government Contracts, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2020

      Public Procurement: “Clear and well-directed advocacy, delivered extremely crisply. Very responsive and good to deal with.” “Highly technical advice on public procurement issues.” – Chambers UK, 2020

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “Very user-friendly, incredibly bright and very practical.” “She has excellent client-handling skills, and is very good both technically and on the strategy front.” – Chambers UK, 2020

      New Silk in Public procurement: ‘‘A star performer, and especially good on funds in public procurement’’Legal 500, 2020

      New Silk in Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘She is a class act.’’Legal 500, 2020

      A highly persuasive advocate” say peers who commend her impressive practice. She appears in domestic and international courts on high-value tax disputes” – Corporate Tax, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2019

      Recognised for her considerable experience handling complex public contracts matters relating to EU procurement regimes” – Government Contracts, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar 2019

      Public Procurement: “Provides clear and well-directed advocacy, which is delivered extremely crisply.” She is “responsive, good to deal with, dependable and hard-working.”Chambers UK, 2019

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “Incredibly compelling.” “An intelligent and dynamic advocate with excellent command of the detail.” – Chambers UK, 2019

      Leading junior in Public procurement: ‘‘Highly technical advice on public procurement issues’’Legal 500, 2018

      Leading junior in Tax: corporate and VAT: ‘‘A highly experienced tax barrister’’Legal 500, 2018

      Public Procurement: “A day-to-day specialist in this area” and “an impressive senior junior who is hard-working, dependable and knowledgeable.”Chambers UK, 2018

      Tax: Indirect Tax: “An excellent junior and a great advocate who is very good with clients.” “Her advice is clear, concise and considered and she really fights your corner.” – Chambers UK, 2018

    • Additional information

      Valentina studied law at St. John’s College, Oxford where she gained first class honours. She was awarded a Wiener-Anspach scholarship to undertake a year of postgraduate study at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes in Brussels, where she gained a diplôme d’études spécialisées en droit européen (LLM) with a grande distinction. Valentina was a Bedingfield Scholar of Gray’s Inn.

    • Publications