Professor Carl Baudenbacher: EEA on the table again?

28 May 2019

Photo: @EFTAsecretariat

One hour after Theresa May’s resignation on 24 May 2019, Former EFTA Court President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Baudenbacher from Monckton Chambers spoke on Brexit and the EEA at the meeting of the European Economic and Social Committee marking the 25th anniversary of the European Economic Area. Baudenbacher stressed that there was a new ball game. He called the EEA a valid option for the UK, especially as both Iceland and Norway had expressed a positive opinion about British membership. Prejudices such as the EEA/EFTA States are mere rule takers have little to do with reality. Baudenbacher concluded with the statement that there was an opportunity to establish a second structure in Europe, consisting of the UK, the current EEA/EFTA States Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and the fourth EFTA State Switzerland. The five states are banking on free trade and open markets and are fundamentally averse to mercantilist tendencies.

To view Professor Baudenbacher’s presentation slides please click here.
