Procurement Futures: what lies ahead for procurement law? What will be the effects on future plans and challenges?


13 Jul, 2016    
5:15pm - 7:00pm

Event Type

Monckton Chambers, as a leading set in the field, presented a seminar titled “Procurement Futures: what lies ahead for procurement law? What will be the effects on future plans and challenges?”, on the 13th July.

Ewan West  and Ben Rayment – Litigating in the post-Referendum world – now and in the future

Michael Bowsher QC – Procurement Law in the EEA: How, if at all, is EEA Procurement Law different from that in the EU?  Even if the directives are largely the same, are the core principles of EEA law sufficiently different that the effect of the law might be affected.

George Peretz QC – Implications for State Aid: EEA and WTO regimes

Thomas Sebastian – Post-Brexit Procurement Law: will the WTO regime apply?

Azeem Suterwalla – Public Procurement outside of the EU – does Public Law fill the gap?

Michael Bowsher QC – What will the EU do to force England and Wales to open up their public procurement markets and how could this be avoided: The past and future of the EU’s International Procurement Instrument (The Proposed Regulation on the access of third party goods and services to the Union’s internal market in public procurement)



