BA Hons, DipLang (Melbourne); BA Law, LLM International Law (Cambridge)
BA Hons, DipLang (Melbourne); BA Law, LLM International Law (Cambridge)
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Hugh practises across all of Chambers’ core areas of expertise.
Current and recent case highlights include:
Hugh studied law at the University of Cambridge, obtaining a first-class Senior Status BA in Law and a first-class LLM in International Law, for which he was awarded the Clive Parry Prize for top ranked student in the International Law designation of the LLM. He completed the Bar Course as a Major Scholar of Inner Temple, receiving a mark of Distinction. Hugh also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Diploma in Languages from the University of Melbourne, both with first-class honours.
Prior to coming to the Bar, Hugh was a Research Assistant at Cambridge University. He also spent seven years working with various legal NGOs in the UK and abroad, alongside his studies.
Hugh’s practice encompasses the breadth of Chambers’ competition litigation work, including standalone and follow-on claims for both claimants and defendants.
Current and recent instructions include:
He also has experience in regulatory cases. Prior to joining the Bar, Hugh gained experience in regulatory law as a Research Assistant to Professor Catherine Barnard, working on various projects such as the legal regulation of “freeports” for the House of Lords. Recent instructions in that area include:
During pupillage, Hugh assisted on a wide range of competition and regulatory matters, including:
Hugh accepts instructions in all areas of public law and human rights.
Current and recent instructions include:
Hugh is also a member of the UK Attorney General’s Junior Junior Scheme and regularly acts for government bodies as sole counsel.
Previously, Hugh gained experience in various areas of public law, including immigration law (as a paralegal for five years at Refugee Legal in Australia), education law (as a volunteer legal advisor at IPSEA), and human rights law (as a legal advisor at Advocacy Forum in Nepal). He also maintains a keen interest in academic public law, having worked as a Research Assistant on various public law projects, including the twelfth edition of Wade & Forsyth’s Administrative Law and a proposal to reform social security appeals.
During pupillage, Hugh assisted on a wide range of matters concerning public law and human rights, including:
Hugh accepts instructions in all areas of data protection and information law, both as sole and junior counsel.
Current and recent instructions include:
During pupillage, Hugh assisted on a wide range of data protection and information matters, including:
Hugh accepts instructions in all areas of public and private international law. Current and recent highlights include:
Prior to joining the Bar, Hugh studied international law at Cambridge as the Law Faculty’s Arnold Mcnair Scholar in International Law. Hugh graduated from the LLM in International Law with the faculty’s Clive Parry Prize (awarded to the best overall student in the International Law designation of the LLM) and top-of-class marks in International Commercial Litigation, International Investment Law, and Advanced Labour Law (focusing on international labour law). Additionally, he was a General Editor for the Cambridge International Law Journal and a Researcher for the University’s collaborative project with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Hugh has also spent time working in various fields of international law, including refugee law in Australia and international human rights law in Nepal.
During pupillage, Hugh assisted on a range of matters with an international element, including:
Hugh accepts instructions in all areas of procurement and State aid/subsidy control. Current and recent instructions include:
During pupillage, Hugh assisted in the following relevant matters:
Hugh accepts instructions in all areas of commercial and sport law. He regularly appears as sole counsel in the County Court in commercial law matters. Current and recent highlights include:
During pupillage, Hugh assisted in a range of commercial and sport matters, including: