The Brexit Competition Law Working Group (“BCLWG”) has today published its draft report on the implications of Brexit for UK competition law and policy.
The draft report will be discussed at a half-day conference on 2 May 2017 and written comments are also invited by 15 May 2017 ( A final report will be then be produced.
Some of the key recommendations are as follows.
There is considerable common ground on these points between the BCLWG draft report and the two other weighty reports that have been produced on this subject, namely those by COMBAR and the City of London Law Society. This largely reflects a widespread desire amongst the legal community to promote legal certainty by minimising regulatory upheaval, an objective shared by the Government.
The Government’s proposed approach has recently been set out at some length in its White Paper on the Great Repeal Bill. The White Paper is mentioned in the BCLWG document, but it was published relatively late in the day after the group had done much of its thinking. One issue for discussion at the 2 May conference and which needs to be considered further before the report is finalised is whether the broader legislative approach of the Government that is starting to emerge has additional implications in the field of competition policy.
This and various related issues will be discussed in subsequent posts.
Jon Turner QC is a member of the BCLWG and Julian Gregory has been helping the group with its work.