Suspension lifted in National Lottery Litigation

30 Jun 2022

In its ruling in Camelot UK Lotteries Ltd and ors v The Gambling Commission [2022] EWHC 1664 (TCC), the High Court has lifted the automatic suspension which prevented the Gambling Commission from awarding the Fourth National Lottery Licence.

The suspension arose from challenges to the competition to operate the Fourth Licence, which was won earlier this year by Allwyn Entertainment Ltd. Claims have been brought by Camelot, the incumbent licensee, and various companies of the IGT group, some of which were listed as key sub-contractors in Camelot’s application. The High Court (O’Farrell J) allowed the Gambling Commission’s application to lift the suspension, meaning that the handover from Camelot to Allwyn can now begin. The Camelot and IGT claims will continue, but will be for damages only. The Fourth Licence will begin in 2024 and last for a decade.

The High Court has not yet considered the question of permission to appeal.

Ligia Osepciu acts for Camelot.

Philip Moser QC and Ewan West act for the IGT claimants.

Anneli Howard QC and Will Perry act for the Gambling Commission.

The judgment has been covered by City AM, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Telegraph and The Times.
