Monckton Chambers expands public law team

10 Jul 2014

Monckton Chambers is delighted to announce the arrival of 7 new tenants.

Five public law specialists have joined Monckton Chambers.  They are leading public law silk Ian Wise QC, together with highly regarded Azeem Suterwalla, Steve Broach, Nikolaus Grubeck and Conor McCarthy.

The group has, both individually and collectively, a strong practice across a range of administrative law, civil liberties, human rights and international law.  Their experience complements Monckton’s existing expertise in public law and reinforces its reputation as a leading set in the area.

Monckton has also taken on two new tenants in the form of pupils Daisy Mackersie and Stefan Kuppen.  Both Daisy and Stefan bring prior experience to Chambers.  Daisy previously worked in the House of Lords, including on the Equality Bill, and Stefan brings over ten years experience in the financial services sector, including at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.

Monckton has a long established history of excellence in public law, particularly in the commercial and regulatory context and in challenges involving EU law or human rights. In recent years Monckton has overseen a strategic expansion into other areas of Administrative & Public law, and is now seen as a leading set in areas such as Freedom of Information, Data Protection and Privacy, Environmental law and Financial Services, as well as mainstream judicial review on both the claimant and defendant sides.

Paul Lasok QC, Head of Monckton Chambers said:

“Monckton Chambers welcomes Ian Wise QC, Azeem Suterwalla, Steve Broach, Nikolaus Grubeck, and Conor McCarthy. They are a group of highly regarded and experienced practitioners who greatly strengthen the range and depth of the public law expertise that Monckton Chambers is able to offer its lay and professional clients.  We are also very pleased to continue our organic growth with the recruitment of two outstanding pupils.”

Ian Wise QC said:

I am delighted to be joining Monckton Chambers and have the opportunity to help grow its existing public law team into a preeminent set in this area of law.  It is a testament to Monckton’s confidence that they have taken the step to invite me and a number of extremely talented juniors to join them at this time.  We are fortunate to be joining an established group of outstanding barristers in a secure and stable set which clearly has an excellent future.  I have no doubt that this enlarged team will be able to offer our clients, both publicly and privately funded, the first rate service that they expect and deserve.  We are not moving to Monckton to abandon our existing clients, quite the contrary, I expect to see more and better publicly funded work at Monckton alongside private work for the team. This is an exciting time for us and we greatly look forward to working with colleagues at Monckton to make this move a success.
