Former EFTA Court President Carl Baudenbacher joins Monckton Chambers

18 Apr 2018

The members of Monckton Chambers welcome Professor Carl Baudenbacher, who joins Chambers as a door tenant on 1 May 2018.

Professor Baudenbacher has enjoyed a distinguished career as a judge, university professor, arbitrator, author of legal and political publications, consultant, political advisor and speaker, in recent years with a particular emphasis on Brexit.

A Swiss national, Professor Baudenbacher was the Liechtenstein Judge of the EFTA Court from 1995 and served as the Court’s President from 15 January 2003 to 31 December 2017. He is a renowned expert in the fields of commercial and economic law, in particular competition law, as well as in the law of international courts. He is also the Director of the Competence Center for European and International Law at the University of St Gallen HSG and founder and Chairman of the renowned St Gallen International Competition Law Forum (ICF).

Between 1993 and 2005 he taught European and International Law as a Permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Texas School of Law. From 1994 to 1995 he served as a member of the Supreme Court of the Principality of Liechtenstein. In 2007 he was a member of the Independent Commission of Inquiry for the Investigation of the Events Surrounding the Hypo Group Alpe‐Adria established by the Government of the Republic of Austria (“Griss Commission”).

An experienced legal expert and arbitrator, he has advised the Swiss Parliament and the Swiss Government as well as the Governments of the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Russian Federation, Israel and the Canton of St.Gallen as well as private clients. His research activities encompass Swiss, European and International business and economic law. Special emphasis lies on the law of EU/EEA fundamental freedoms, unfair competition law, antitrust law, IP law, contract law, company law, labor law, comparative law, law of the globalization and dispute resolution.

Professor Baudenbacher resigned from the EFTA Court bench on 09 April 2018 and has selected Monckton Chambers as the ideal set from which to develop a UK practice. He will focus on both the Continent and United Kingdom across the full spectrum of EEA/EU law, Swiss economic law and certain aspects of German economic law and will involve consulting, litigation strategy, arbitration and speaking engagements.

Philip Moser QC, joint Head of Monckton Chambers, spoke for all the members in saying: “We are delighted that Professor Baudenbacher, with his considerable experience and specialist expertise, has recognised the complementary strengths of Monckton Chambers and its members and has decided to join us in the UK. With Brexit and the position of flux within Europe, this appointment could not be more important nor more timely.”

See full profile for Professor Carl Baudenbacher.
