The UK legal regime after Brexit – what every lawyer needs to know: Post-Brexit litigation in UK courts – 10 things every litigator needs to know


21 Jan, 2021    
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Event Type

The end of the transition period has brought with it seismic changes to the legal landscape. Please see below details and registration link for the first webinar of our new EU Relations webinar series discussing these changes entitled: “The UK legal regime after Brexit – what every lawyer needs to know”.

During this webinar the panel will discuss (inter alia): Retained EU Law; departing from EU case-law; validity challenges; damages and effective remedies; challenging Brexit regulations; the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreements and TCA into domestic law; and litigating the TCA in UK courts.

Chair: Anneli Howard

Tom Sebastian
Jack Williams
Morag Ross QC (Scotland) (Axiom Advocates, Edinburgh)

Please also check out our new EU Relations Law blog, covering all aspects of the Withdrawal Agreement, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (plus accompanying agreements and declarations), and the UK internal market.

