The second annual UK Competition Litigation Conference: A Class, Apart—Class Certification Battles


10 Dec, 2020    
2:00pm - 3:30pm

Event Type

2021 will see class representatives battle for certification. The Panel will discuss the impacts of the Supreme Court on how compensatory Damage is determined and allocated. And what learnings there are from other jurisdictions on how economic evidence is used to challenge class composition.

Philip Moser QC, Barrister, Joint Head of Monckton Chambers

Boris Bronfentrinker, Partner, Co-Head of the Competition Litigation Practice, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP
Kenny Henderson, Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabaro Olswang LLP
Dr. Lawrence Wu, President, NERA Economic Consulting

Dr. Ai Deng, Associate Director, NERA Economic Consulting
Stefan Kuppen, Barrister, Monckton Chambers

