Christopher Vajda QC and Professor Panos Koutrakos appointed to arbitration lists of candidates by the European Commission

24 Jun 2022

In December 2020, the European Commission called for applications in connection with the renewal of the pool of arbitrators and the separate pool of trade and sustainable development (TSD) experts for dispute settlement panels under trade agreements to which the EU is a party. Candidates were examined to confirm their suitability for appointment.

Christopher Vajda QC has been appointed to the ‘List of Candidates Suitable for Appointment as Chairpersons for Arbitrations’ and Professor Panos Koutrakos appointed to the ‘List of Candidates Suitable for Appointment as Arbitrators and TSD Experts’.

The Commission will draw on this list to make proposals for the appointment of chairpersons for arbitrations and arbitrators and TSD experts in a specific case or for pre-agreed lists (rosters) under the relevant bilateral agreements with third countries.

Further information and the full lists can be found here.
