He is a contributor to International Commercial Courts: The Future of Transnational Adjudication edited by Stavros Brekoulakis and Georgios Dimitropoulos (CUP, 2022), to Liber Amicorum Jiri Malenovsky (2020), The applicability of Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to international agreements to which the EU is a contracting party, and to Bellamy & Child, European Union Law of Competition (3rd to 6th editions between 1983 and 2008).
Recent published articles include: The role of judges in the development of Competition Law, China Antitrust Law Journal (2019); Greening the law: The Reception of Environmental Law and its Enforcement in International law and European Union Law, co-author with Michael Rhimes, The Columbia Journal of European Law (2018); The EU and Beyond: Dispute Resolution in International Economic Agreements, The European Journal of International Law (2018); Law as a Tool to build cross-Border Markets: the experience of the Court of Justice of the EU in opening up Government contracts, Public Contract Law Journal (2018); and The Common law and the CJEU, Journal of the Common Law Society Prague (2018).
Recent lectures include: The impact of Achmea: 3 years later (New York State Bar Association (2021); The keynote address to the Bar European Group (2021); Current issues facing the European Court and its users (Burrell Lecture, London, 2019); The Rule of Law within the EU and national legal orders (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 2019); Towards a Re-Definition of Dispute Resolution Fora: Insights from the CJEU (HBKU College of Law & Public Policy, Doha, Qatar, 2018); The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order (The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law and the Institute of European and Comparative Law, Oxford, 2018); and Privacy and Cyber Laws: a view from the Court of Justice of the European Union (Asian Academy of International Law, Hong Kong, 2017).
He has also been invited to speak at a number of universities including Bologna, Cambridge, Edinburgh, George Washington (Washington DC), King’s College London, HKU (Hong Kong), Milan, Oxford, Stockholm, and Valencia.
He is a visiting professor at King’s College, London, a lecturer on private international law at Luxembourg University and a member of the LCIA. He is fluent in French (the working language of the CJEU) and speaks German.