CAT certifies collective damages claim against Google

19 Jul 2022

The Competition Appeal Tribunal yesterday granted a collective proceedings order in abuse of dominance claims against Google. The claims concern alleged exploitative and exclusionary abuses of dominance relating to the “Play Store”. As it did in collective proceedings against Apple which raise similar allegations, the CAT granted certification ‘on the spot’, indicating that it intends to hand down a judgment explaining its reasons for granting certification in due course.

Ronit Kreisberger QC and Michael Armitage are acting for Ms Liz Coll, the class representative in the proceedings against Google. They are instructed by Hausfeld LLP.

Josh Holmes QC, Jack Williams and Ciar McAndrew act for Google, instructed by RPC.

Monckton barristers are involved (for both class representatives and defendants) in a range of collective proceedings against large “tech” companies, including Kent v Apple, Which? v Qualcomm and Gormsen v Meta.
