Brexit – opportunities and challenges seminar – slides available

04 Jul 2016

“The result of the referendum raises significant uncertainties about the future development of a wide range of areas of the law. That uncertainty is in itself an important factor for clients. At Monckton Chambers we have given a great deal of thought to how a vote for Brexit might pan out, and we look forward to working with our clients to address both the opportunities and challenges of Brexit.” Tim Ward QC, joint Head of Monckton Chambers.

Monckton Chambers, as a leading set in the field, presented a ‘pop-up seminar’ on the implications of the Brexit decision, on the 30th June, attracting over 200 delegates.

The speakers included Michael Bowsher QC, Philip Moser QC, Gerry Facenna QC, Piers Gardner and Anneli Howard, chaired by Tim Ward QC.

To download the presentation slides please click here.

A podcast of the event will be available in the near future.
