Monckton Chambers and its members, as leaders in the fields of international, European, public and regulatory law, have stepped up to provide objective and politically neutral insight into the pressing questions that government, business and individuals face as a result of Brexit.In the last 2 weeks we have had significant activity in response to the EU referendum decision in favour of “Leave”:
Introducing the Monckton Chambers Brexit Blog: work began immediately to set up a Blog in order to post a range of content, aimed at specialists and non-specialists alike. Some of the pieces will be primers on the law that underlies the big stories in the news. Others will look in more depth at specific issues from specialist areas where EU law is important, and where Brexit may reshape the landscape, such as competition law, tax, procurement, financial services, telecommunications or immigration.
Current posts include:
Although we will be picking up and commenting on Brexit issues in the media, this Blog is not about recycling other newsfeeds. Our aim is to make rigorous and objective legal analysis available not only to our clients, but also to help inform the press, policy makers and the wider public debate.
To subscribe to receive daily alerts of posts on the Blog, sign up here.
Focused Seminar Programme: in response to the need for information and debate, a ‘pop-up seminar’ on the implications of the Brexit decision, was quickly organised for the 30th June. Selling out within an hour of publicising, we moved the seminar to a larger venue and soon attracted over 200 delegates. The slides are available here. A podcast of the event will be posted soon.
Our Procurement Law barristers have also rallied to the demand from clients and contacts to hear and explore more and there is an evening seminar on the 13th July looking at Procurement Futures: what lies ahead for procurement law? What will be the effects on future plans and challenges? To book a place, please click here.
Other seminars addressing other areas of focus are being organised. Watch out for future Brexit Latest news or visit our Events page.
Monckton Chambers’ Members in the Media: as leaders in the fields of international, European, public and regulatory law, members have been invited to comment in media interviews and other commentary.
Michael Bowsher QC discussed “The legal matters of Brexit” with Share Radio. Please click here to listen to the podcast.
Philip Moser QC discussed the legal case threatened by Mishcon de Reya and the Prime Minister’s power to trigger Article 50 TEU in an interview with Radio Sputnik. Please click here to listen to the podcast.
George Peretz QC commented on the position for UK Expats in a number of news items including The Financial Times and the BBC online news.