Professor Holger Hestermeyer

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    1st Staatsexamen (OLG Hamm)
    2nd Staatsexamen (Hanseatisches OLG Hamburg)
    LL.M. (Berkeley)
    Dr. jur. (Hamburg)
    Habilitation, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

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    Professor Holger Hestermeyer advises on international law and EU law and is a leading expert on WTO law and international trade. He taught at King’s College London for almost a decade, first as a reader in international dispute resolution and later as professor of international and EU law as well as founding Co-Director of the law school’s Centre for International Governance and Dispute Resolution. In 2023 he joined the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna as professor of international and EU law. He regularly teaches trade law at the Department for Business and Trade.

    Holger has written widely on international law, EU law and trade law. Currently, he is the co-general editor of Brill’s Commentaries on World Trade Law, a standard reference work in the field. He has given evidence to select committees of the House of Lords, the House of Commons as well as the German Bundestag and the Scottish Parliament on questions of trade law, international law and EU law and is frequently asked to comment on current legal events in the media.

    He is a former specialist adviser to the House of Lords EU Select Committee and, before, to the External Affairs Sub-Committee He has served as an executive Vice President of the Society of International Economic Law. Before joining UK academia, Professor Hestermeyer was a Référendaire at the CJEU.

    Holger has worked in English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. He is available to work alongside other colleagues from chambers.
