Would you like to know more about the legal implications of possible British exit from the EU?

12 May 2015

The outcome of the UK General Election is now known. In its Manifesto, the Conservative Party promised to renegotiate the UK’s relationship with the EU and then to hold an in/out referendum.

Monckton is one of London’s leading sets of chambers in the EU Law field. Practitioners, businesses, individuals and opinion formers will be planning ahead for different possibilities. Therefore they will want to understand the legal framework within which decisions will be taken about future relations between the EU and the UK.

On 24 June, members of chambers will present the first of two events at which they will explore some of the key issues. The seminar will involve a number of experienced EU practitioners. It will build on two recent lectures on the legal implications of Brexit, given by Christopher Muttukumaru CB to the Dutch Academy of Legislation on 15 April and by Ian Rogers QC to the Central European University, Budapest, on 24 April.

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