Two new tenants for Monckton Chambers

09 Nov 2017


Monckton Chambers is delighted to announce that Alexandra Littlewood and Khatija Hafesji have joined Monckton Chambers on their successful completion of pupillage.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Alexandra Littlewood taught Contract Law at Brasenose College, University of Oxford. She graduated from the University of Oxford (Brasenose College) with a Distinction in the BCL and a First Class degree in Law and French Law. She also holds a Certificat Supérieur de Droit Français et Européen from the Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II. Alexandra is currently working at the Supreme Court as Judicial Assistant to Lord Reed and Lord Briggs returning Chambers in August 2018.

Khatija Hafesji graduated in History from Cambridge before completing an MPhil Modern Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic at the University of Oxford and a Graduate Diploma in Law at City University. Before coming to the Bar, Khatija spent three years working as an advocate for children in care at the charity Coram Voice. She also undertook research and advisory work for the REES Centre of Fostering and Education at the University of Oxford, the Social Care Institute for Excellence, and the British Library. Khatija volunteered with the charity IPSEA for two years, representing parents and carers at the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SENDist) Tribunal. Khatija is currently the Senior Independent Trustee at Become (formerly the Who Cares? Trust), a charity which represents and supports children in care and care leavers.
