Monckton presentations in Denmark on post Brexit regulation of the Aviation and Telecommunications sectors

11 Apr 2017

At a Brexit seminar in Copenhagen at the Danish Association for European Law on 6 April, Tim Ward and Christopher Muttukumaru were principal speakers. Their presentations included post Brexit regulation of the Aviation and Telecommunications sectors.

The event was chaired by Professor Ulla Neergaard , Professor of EU Law at the University of Copenhagen. The third principal speaker was Ros Kellaway, head of EU and Regulatory group, Eversheds-Sutherlands.

The seminar was attended by private practitioners, academics and law students.

The speakers covered the following topics:

  1. ” All the world’s a stage ” – the UK Government’s White Paper on Brexit , including the UK’s new global outlook; the Article 50 letter of 29 March and the Commission’s response;
  2.   Aspects of post-Brexit regulation in the Competition field;
  3.   Aspects of post-Brexit regulation in the Telecommunications field;
  4.   Aspects of post-Brexit regulation in the Transport (Aviation) field;
  5.   The Great Repeal Bill – its purpose and coverage;
  6.   The roles of the national courts, of the CJEU and of the Commission in a post Brexit world.

There followed a very lively series of questions and answers about a post-Brexit future . Topics raised by the audience included questions about cartel investigations in a post Brexit world; UK support for the EU environmental acquis ; and the “what if ” questions about the future of Scotland.

The speakers’ written materials have been published on the organisers’ website here.

