“Threatened Lawyers: the end of the Rule of Law in Europe?” Piers Gardner speaks for CCBE in Strasbourg

15 Jan 2018

On 24 January 2018 the CCBE is organising a Side Event during the Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on: ‘Threatened Lawyers: the end of the Rule of Law in Europe?’ The Side Event is intended to draw attention to the proposed PACE Recommendation to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe for a European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer. The proposal, which was adopted unanimously in December by the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee of PACE, will be voted on by the whole Assembly immediately after the Side Meeting. Piers Gardner will be one of the speakers, explaining why a binding Convention with an effective enforcement machinery, would be a positive step for the rule of law.

The proposed Convention has the strong support of all six of the UK’s Bar Councils and Law Societies which participate in the CCBE, together with the national Bars and Law Societies of 44 other States, together representing one million lawyers. Piers Gardner is the UK member of the CCBE’s Permanent Delegation to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
