Thomas Sebastian speaks at BIICL on the Trade Implications of Brexit

14 Jun 2016

Thomas Sebastian spoke at a British Institute of International and Comparative Law event titled “10 Days, 10 Issues – Countdown to the Brexit Referendum” on 14 June 2016.

Thomas discussed the trade implications of Brexit.

Thomas covered what was known, and unknown, about the likely shape of the UK’s post-Brexit trading arrangements with: (1) the EU itself; (2) countries which already have bilateral trade agreements with the EU; and (3) other WTO Members.

Thomas is well-placed to deal with this topic given his expertise in WTO law and EU law as well as his familiarity with the dynamics of international trade negotiations.

Other speakers dealt with Constitutional Arrangements, Foreign Relations, Agriculture, Immigration, Free Movement of Persons, Consumer Rights, Financial Services, Civil Justice and Human Rights.

