Race and Sex Discrimination Claims Against Foreign Office Rejected

07 Apr 2008

The London Central Employment Tribunal has dismissed all complaints of race and sex discrimination brought by Manchula Kuganesan against her employer, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, where Ms Kuganesan is a senior accountant. The Tribunal heard evidence focusing on the selection of a white male candidate instead of Ms Kuganesan following a decision to upgrade her role. Ms Kuganesan alleged more generally that her career had failed to progress, relative to her comparators, due to race and sex discrimination in the Foreign Office. Foreign Office policy was also challenged as being indirectly discriminatory.

The Tribunal dismissed all complaints against the Foreign Office. It explained that it could understand how, from Ms Kuganesan’s point of view, it appeared that the question of upgrading her role only occurred because a white male colleague expressed an interest in it. However, the Tribunal stated that having heard two weeks of evidence, and understood the unique processes which exist within the Foreign Office, it was satisfied that Ms Kuganesan’s career progress had not been obstructed or impeded in any way on grounds of race or sex.

Ian Rodgers was instructed by the Treasury Solicitor on behalf of the Foreign Office.

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