Professor Panos Koutrakos speaks about investment arbitration and EU law at European Central Bank

05 Sep 2019

Professor Panos Koutrakos gave a lecture at the Legal Conference 2019 organised by the European Central Bank on 2-3 September 2019 in Frankfurt. The title of the lecture was ‘What the principle of autonomy of EU law is really about?’. It examined the relevance of EU law to investment arbitration and analysed issues raised in the context of Bilateral Investment Treaties as well as the Energy Charter Treaty in the light of the recent Achmea judgment of the European Court of Justice and Opinion 1/17 on the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

Professor Koutrakos follows these issues closely and has written extensively about them (for instance, ‘The Autonomy of EU law and International Investment Arbitration (2019) 88 Nordic Journal of International Law 41-64).
