Note on (1) Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust and (2) Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v Lancashire County Council

05 Jul 2018 By Brendan McGurk KC

This case concerned the procurement by the Defendant of a public contract relating to the provision of Public Health Nursing Services for persons aged 0-19 in Lancashire. The Claimants were the incumbent providers. On the procurement (which was conducted under the light touch procedure and which therefore was required to comply with Regulations 74-76 of the PCR 2015) the contract was awarded to Virgin Care Services Ltd. In essence, the Trusts challenged the Authority’s evaluation of the bids, the scoring methodology applied, and the transparency of the award criteria. The TCC (Stuart-Smith J) found that the reasons given by the Authority for the scores awarded to the Claimants and to Virgin were insufficient in law. That finding was itself sufficient for the contract to Virgin to be set aside.

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