New Welsh Government Advocates – four Monckton members appointed

04 Aug 2017

Ian Rogers QC and George Peretz QC  have been appointed to the Welsh Government Panel of Queen’s Counsel, whilst Laura John and Conor McCarthy are among the Junior Counsel B Panel appointments. Ian Rogers QC undertook a wide range of EU, competition and public law work on the Welsh Government’s A Panel of Junior Counsel prior to taking silk.

In order to be appointed, candidates had to satisfy a number of criteria, including experience of advocacy in the higher courts, experience in constitutional and administrative law, knowledge of the devolution settlement in Wales and of divergences between the law in England and in Wales, experience of working for or against government or other public bodies and an appreciation of the particular characteristics of government litigation.

Appointments will be for a period of four years initially. Members of the Panel continue to practise independently.

With four members, Monckton Chambers has the most significant representation in the list of 18 appointments made today to the Panel of Counsel approved to provide advocacy and advisory work for the Welsh Government across the breadth of its statutory functions and responsibilities. Our team of Welsh Government Panel members is exceptionally well placed to assist with the unprecedented constitutional challenges presented by the steady growth in Welsh law and the evolving devolution settlement, particularly when considered against the backdrop of Brexit, as our members are in relation to the other nations of the United Kingdom.
