Monckton’s Brexit & EU Relations Law Toolkit

04 Jan 2021
EU Relations Law Blog

The Brexit transition period has now ended, and the UK has begun its new relationship with the EU pursuant to the Withdrawal Agreement, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement and the various associated agreements and declarations. This represents a seismic change to both international and domestic laws. Barristers at Monckton Chambers have been at the forefront of advising on and litigating matters connected with Brexit since the referendum in 2016. Recognised as pre-eminent specialists in EU law, public and administrative law, commercial law and public international law, members of Monckton Chambers are well placed to advise and represent clients in relation to all areas connected with the UK’s new relationship with Europe – EU Relations Law.

To that end, Barristers of Monckton Chambers have founded a new EU Relations Law blog – available at – exploring all aspects of the UK’s new arrangements with the EU and their domestic implementation. A selection of blog posts and links to our relevant primary resources and videos from our recent seminar series in collaboration with the University of Cambridge can be found below in our Brexit and EU Relations Law Toolkit, to help you navigate the significant and legal changes applicable from January 2021:

Topic / Link Description Author
General resources
International Agreements One-stop-shop for links to: the Withdrawal Agreements; the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement; Joint Committee Decisions; Unilateral Declarations; and interpretation documents/explainers Monckton Chambers
Domestic Implementing Legislation One-stop-shop for links to: domestic implementation legislation; key statutory instruments; and explanatory notes Monckton Chambers
Cases relevant to EURL One-stop-shop for links to cases concerning the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and its new, ongoing relationship Monckton Chambers
What is EU Relations Law? (Video, explainer and blog) Introduction to the new legal ecosystem of EU Relations Law

Introduction of the implementation of EU Relations Law into UK law


Jack Williams

George Peretz Q.C.

Professor Alison Young

Professor Kenneth Armstrong

Alfred Artley



Retained EU Law

Guide to Retained EU Law A guide to Retained EU Law with diagrams Jack Williams
Directives as retained EU law Discussion of how and to what extent Directives are retained EU law Jack Williams
Francovich damages after transition Analysis of the ability to bring Francovich damages after 1 January 2021 Jack Williams
Challenging the validity of retained EU law Analysis of the ability to challenge retained EU law on grounds of invalidity Jack Williams


Withdrawal Agreement/NI Protocol/relevant separation agreement law

Guide to Relevant Separation Agreement Law A guide to Relevant Separation Agreement Law with diagrams Jack Williams
The Northern Ireland Protocol (here and here) Evaluation of the Ireland / Northern Ireland Protocol provisions Brendan McGurk
Amendments to the Withdrawal Agreement: Decision 1 of the Joint Committee Brief summary of the Joint Committee’s first decision making a number of technical corrections to the Withdrawal Agreement Jack Williams
Citizen rights in the Withdrawal Agreement


Discussion of the rights granted to EU citizens in the UK-EU Withdrawal Agreement Will Perry
Enforcing citizen rights in the Withdrawal Agreement Analysis of how to enforce citizen rights in the UK after the transition period Will Perry
Preliminary references after the transition period Overview of the CJEU’s jurisdiction in relation to preliminary references after 1 January 2021 Alexandra Littlewood
Jurisdiction and service out after 1 January 2021: (mostly) back to the usual common law rules Summary of the rules in relation to jurisdiction and service out after 31 December 2020 (incl. re consumer/employment contracts) Kristina Lukacova
Joint Committee Statement on Ireland/NI Protocol – state aid Discussion of the unilateral declarations made in the Joint Committee on the provisions of the Ireland / Northern Ireland protocol George Peretz Q.C.
Social security provisions in the Withdrawal Agreement Discussion of the social security provisions in the Withdrawal Agreement Professor Tamara Hervey
Interpretation, Enforcement and Dispute resolution (Video and blog) Introduction to the enforcement and dispute resolution procedures under the Withdrawal Agreement

Introduction to WTO law dispute settlement procedures

Interpreting and departing from retained EU case law

Introduction to domestic enforcement and dispute resolution topics


Christopher Vajda Q.C.

Professor Takis Tridimas

Dr Lorand Bartels

Dr Emily Hancox

Jack Williams

Will Perry

New relationship

Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The EU (Future Relationship) Act 2020 and Implementation of the TCA into domestic law A guide to the domestic implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement with diagrams Jack Williams
The TCA: New Law, Not EU Law An exploration of the nature of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which is governed primarily by international law, rather than EU law. Philip Moser Q.C.
Subsidy Control in the TCA Discussion of the subsidy control provisions in the TCA and comparison with EU State aid law George Peretz Q.C.
The UK’s new subsidy control regime – uncertainties Exploration of the newly-published UK Government Guidance and the effect of section 29 of the EU (Future Relationship) Act 2020 as it applies to subsidy control. George Peretz Q.C.
Public Procurement in the TCA Discussion of the procurement provisions in the TCA Michael Bowsher Q.C.
Level playing field negotiations (Video & blog) Introduction to regulatory and level playing field obligations

Introduction to state aid and subsidy control issues

Introduction to procurement issues

Summary of the CMA’s role post the transition period

Ian Forrester

Anneli Howard

George Peretz Q.C.

Michael Bowsher Q.C.

Dr Oke Odudu

Harry Gillow

Arbitration Tribunal procedures, decisions & rulings under the TCA A detailed assessment of the Arbitration Tribunal procedures in the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Michael-James Clifton
UK trade relations (Video & blog) Overview of the ratification and implementation procedures for the Trade and Cooperation Agreement

Introduction to issues regarding the implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement in domestic law

Summary of Parliamentary scrutiny of trade agreements

Introduction to trade between Ireland and Northern Ireland

Philip Moser Q.C.

Professor Catherine Barnard

Gerry Facenna Q.C.

Alexander Horne

Brendan McGurk

Alfred Artley

Internal affairs

Internal Market Act 2020

Intro to the UK Internal market (Video and blog) The rationales behind the Internal Market Act

Introduction to the market access commitments

The impact of the Act on devolved powers in Scotland

The impact of the Act on Northern Ireland

Valentina Sloane Q.C.

Professor Jo Hunt

Alan Bates

Professor Kenneth Armstrong

Professor Stephen Weatherill

Will Perry

Goods in the Internal Market Act Discussion of the Act’s provisions on goods and their similarity/differences with EU internal market rules Dr Jan Zglinski
Exception Clauses regarding Goods in the Internal Market Act Analysis of the exceptional clauses to the rules on free movement of goods Peter Oliver


For assistance with any of your urgent or ongoing Brexit-related and EU Relations Law queries and needs, please get in touch with our clerking team. Our Barristers are also available for media enquiries and legal training. If you wish to receive our Barristers’ EU Relations Law blog posts directly to your inbox, then you can subscribe here.
