Monckton Chambers Welcomes Robert Palmer as a New Tenant

12 Jan 2009

Monckton Chambers is pleased to announce that Robert Palmer has accepted tenancy with immediate effect.

Robert, previously of 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square, has a well established practice in general public law and human rights work, with an emphasis on issues of European Community law. He was appointed to the Attorney General’s B panel of Counsel in February 2007.

Recent examples of his European law based practice in the Court of Appeal include: Romantiek Transport BVBA v VOSA (concerning Community rules on goods vehicle operators licensing), English v Thomas Sanderson Ltd (concerning the implementation of the equal treatment directive on sexual orientation discrimination) and KG and AK (Sri Lanka) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (concerning the rights of family members of EU nationals under the European Citizens’ Directive to enter and reside in the UK).

Robert said, “Monckton Chambers is the perfect place for me to develop my existing practice into the fields of commercial and regulatory judicial review. Monckton Chambers’ clients have expanding levels of demand for commercial and regulatory public law expertise. My skills and experience in public law will lend themselves readily to Monckton’s core areas of strength, and enhance Monckton’s ability to supply the growing demand for its services in public and administrative law.”

Paul Lasok QC, Head of Chambers said, “I am delighted Robert has chosen to join Monckton Chambers at this time. His presence will undoubtedly increase our capabilities as we continue to expand.”

David Hockney, Senior Clerk, commented, “Robert has a proven track record of appearing at the Administrative Court and Court of Appeal and will add further strength to our growing reputation in the fields of public law and human rights.”

Please click below for more information on:
Robert Palmer


