Monckton Chambers excels once again in Chambers UK Bar 2025 guide launch

21 Oct 2024

Chambers UK Bar have launched their 2025 guide, and Monckton Chambers is delighted to be ranked as a set in 11 practice areas, with 63 individual barristers recognised for a total of 154 rankings across 28 practice areas. We are pleased to see 10 new entries, with 30 improved rankings including 1 new star individual. Congratulations to all members listed.

Monckton has once again been recognised as a Band 1 set for 5 areas:

  • Competition Law Monckton Chambers is renowned for its superb ability in complex competition law mandates across a breadth of key areas. Members regularly appear before the CAT, the UK appellate courts and the European Court of Justice, representing clients on both sides of infringement decision appeals and follow-on damages claims, as well as a number of high-profile collective action proceedings. The set also stands out for the frequency with which its members represent major parties in disputed merger proceedings. Members further advise key UK public bodies, including acting as standing counsel to regulators, and defending both UK and European competition authorities in disputed cartel investigations. The set has seen members active in many of the leading cases – a key example being acting for a number of claimants and defendants on various related claims for damages resulting from an international cartel in the price of trucks which received large fines from the European Commission.’
  • European Law ‘Many of Monckton Chambers’ key areas of practice are grounded in its members’ superb understanding of EU law principles. The UK government frequently instructs barristers from the chambers in cases concerning state aid, European Commission cartel decisions, taxation and customs. The barristers, praised by one source for their “very good advice and drafting in complex cases,” represent corporations and individuals in matters of the types listed above, and in litigation relating to industry sector regulation, free movement, data protection and other issues. Another source highlights the juniors as being “exceptionally bright and always willing to go that extra mile.” Recent highlights include acting for Sky in an appeal against Ofcom concerning its regulation of pay TV business under “retained” EU law, and leading for Intel in fine appeal issues by the European Commission.’
  • Telecoms regulation ‘Monckton Chambers handles the full spread of telecommunications law work and is particularly well known for its strength in competition cases. It is a strong choice for advice on reforming telecoms legislation and for representation in regulatory disputes, and further boasts intellectual property expertise, having appeared in numerous key cases relating to standard-essential patents in the technology sector. Its members have noted EU law expertise and are known for their adroit handling of EU competition law cases, as well as their superior advice on EU regulatory frameworks. The barristers’ clients include significant telecoms companies, content providers, and both UK and overseas regulatory bodies including Ofcom. Monckton Chambers acted for Which? on an abuse of dominance claim against Qualcomm in the Competition Appeal Tribunal. An interviewee comments: “The set are instructed in the highest-value and biggest cases, flexing their commercial acumen and skilful advocacy in the most heavy and detailed cases.”’
  • Public procurement Monckton Chambers is an esteemed chambers which undertakes the full sweep of procurement cases on both the advisory and contentious fronts. The set receives instructions from tenderers and contracting authorities alike, and can assist with all stages of the procurement process. Members have experience in a variety of areas, from health and transport to utilities and IT. One notable highlight this year was the continuation of Siemens Mobility v HS2 & Bombardier Transportation/Hitachi Rail, a complex and high-profile procurement challenge to the contract for the provision of rolling stock for the HS2 project. Following final government approval, HS2 Ltd confirmed that a Hitachi/Alstom JV has been awarded the contracts to build high-speed trains for the megaproject. Members of the set also appeared in IGT v Gambling Commission, an important claim against the Gambling Commission in respect of the award of the fourth National Lottery licence.’
  • Indirect Tax ‘Monckton Chambers is a first-rate set known for its extensive work across the full gamut of indirect taxation disputes. Chambers frequently acts for the Revenue and for taxpayers in cases relating to VAT, anti-dumping charges, input and exit taxes and landfill taxes, among others. Members regularly appear at all levels of the court and tribunal system, and routinely handle cases before the Supreme Court and the ECJ. The set has been instructed in a number of notable matters of late, and recently won the test case of Bolt v HMRC, which concerned the application of VAT to the ride-hailing sector. Other cases of note include Fisher v HMRC, an important Supreme Court case looking at the meaning and application of the Transfer of Assets Abroad (TOAA) Code in the Income and Corporation Tax Act 1988. Interviewees say: “Monckton is thoroughly excellent in this sphere and has been leading the way in this area for a very long time.” ’

The Set has also been ranked in a further 6 areas:

  • Administrative and public law
  • Community Care
  • Civil Liberties
  • Data protection
  • Group Litigation
  • Sport

Individual members were also recognised as “Leading Individuals” in an additional 17 practice areas:

  • Animal Law
  • Aviation
  • CDR
  • Consumer Law
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Energy & Natural Resources: Regulatory
  • Environment
  • Fraud: Civil
  • Immigration
  • International Arbitration: General Commercial & Insurance
  • International Human Rights Law
  • Life Sciences Regulatory
  • Local Government
  • Property Damage
  • Shipping and Commodities
  • Social Housing

You can view the full list of Monckton Chambers’ rankings here.
