The European Circuit is an association of litigators, barristers, and advocates across Europe. It provides a vehicle for litigators, barristers, and advocates to share experience and education. It is also has a strong social component with events across the Continent. We are delighted to announce Michael has been elected as Leader of the Circuit.
Michael said “ I am excited about this opportunity which means that from now I will take on a role equivalent to those of the Leaders of the other historic Circuits around England, Wales and Ireland. These have provided practical support, education and a social focus for those barristers whose practice is based in particular regions of the country. Indeed when I came to the Bar it was regarded as obligatory to join at least one Circuit.
The European Circuit was set up at the beginning of this century to support those whose practice involved work around Europe, not only those working in areas which obvious European roots such as competition, VAT or human rights, but also those who were active in aspects of the law which involved a cross border element. A traffic accident abroad, the break up of a family living abroad, the estate of a UK citizen living elsewhere (or the other way around) might be typical examples of work where there could be a need for particular practical support, education, local contacts and so forth. The Circuit has sought to provide that. Evidently, things have not all gone as those who set up the Circuit might have planned, but those same cross border demands are there and if anything the challenges for those trying to help clients in those sorts of cases are ever greater. So the Circuit will continue to address the needs of those who need to deliver services in other countries in Europe, or involving disputes in Europe. In so doing it will enable the profession to provide a better service to its clients.
I don’t imagine that this will be easy and while the Circuit has its historic roots in the Bar we welcome all lawyers involved in cross border disputes from anywhere in Europe as Members.
We will be having a number of events during the year and a conference usually takes place in September. We are not quite ready to reveal our destination for this year!
To read more please click here to view Michael Bowsher KC’s blog post.
For further information on the European Circuit of the Bar please click here.