Merricks v Mastercard [2019] EWCA Civ 674: collective proceedings in competition law revitalised by the Court of Appeal

16 Apr 2019 By Jack Williams
Jack Williams

On 16 April 2019, the Court of Appeal allowed Mr Merrick’s appeal from the Competition Appeal Tribunal’s (“CAT”) refusal to grant a collective proceedings order (“CPO”). The CAT’s order is, accordingly, set aside and the application for certification is remitted to the CAT for a re-hearing.

Given the infancy of the collective actions regime, the Court of Appeal’s judgment is of significant importance. This case note discusses the judgment and summarises its implications for those bringing and defending collective proceedings.

Please click here to read the case note.

The comments made in this case note are wholly personal and do not reflect the views of any other members of Monckton Chambers, its tenants or clients.
