Jeremy McBride prepares feasibility study for a European legal instrument to protect the profession of lawyer

16 Apr 2021

Jeremy McBride has prepared for the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ) of the Council of Europe a feasibility study on a new binding or non-binding, European legal instrument to protect the profession of lawyer.

This study examines the problems faced by lawyers in the 47 member States of the Council of Europe, the extent of these problems, the use made of the existing instruments in practice as well as the level of the protection and the manner in which this is currently offered to lawyers. It assesses the possible added-value and effectiveness of a possible future legal instrument in the field, the advantages and disadvantages or risks, according to the nature of such an instrument.

The Committee of Ministers’ Deputies, at its 1400th meeting held on 31 March 2021, took note of the study as well as the draft terms of reference of a subordinate committee of experts tasked with drawing up a draft instrument to be proposed in the context of the examination of the next Council of Europe programme and budget (2022-2025).
