Jeremy McBride Assists the Ukraine in Adopting Modern Criminal Procedure Code

20 Apr 2012

The Ukrainian Parliament adopted a new Code of Criminal Procedure (CPC) as part of steps to modernise its criminal justice system and to fulfil its commitments under European and International Human Rights Law.  The Code was prepared with the assistance of Jeremy McBride, who acted as an expert for the Council of Europe in this reform endeavour.

The CPC was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) on Friday following requests made by European bodies for improvements in the way criminal proceedings are handled in Ukraine. It is a further symbol of the democratic development of Ukraine, its respect for the rule of law and its adherence to European values, and was carried out with the particular support and encouragement of the Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).

Whereas the previous code granted too much power to the State prosecution and law enforcement bodies, the new code balances the powers of the defence and prosecution as well as introducing the concepts of house arrest, a reduction in the period of detention and a form of  trial by jury.
