The Campaign for Clean Air in London had requested disclosure under the Environmental Regulations 2004 of documents relating to a meeting between the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State for the Environment in 2009 about air quality in London, and the government’s application to the European Commission for a time extension for the UK to comply with legal standards on dangerous airborne particles (PM10) under European Directive 2008/50/EC on Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe. After proceedings in the Court of Appeal on the question of whether Defra had a right to raise a new exemption before the First Tier Tribunal that it had not relied on previously, Defra decided to disclose the disputed information.
Simon Birkett, Founder and Director of CCAL said:
“I would like to thank leading barristers Gerry Facenna and Laura Elizabeth John who provided pro bono advice and without whom none of this information would ever have been released. They have been fabulous.”