George Peretz Co-authors Guide to The Freedom of Information Act 2000

06 Jun 2011

Monckton member George Peretz has co-authored the latest edition of the Blackstone’s Guide to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The new edition of this Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the FOI Act, combined with comment and analysis on the effect of the legislation.  It incorporates and discusses the case law and decisions emerging from the Information Commissioner, Information Tribunal/First-tier Tribunal, and the High Court, including Her Majesty’s Treasury v ICO, British Union for the Abolition of Anti Vivisection v Home Office and ICO, and Home Office and MOJ v ICO, as well as relevant decisions of the Scottish Information Commissioner.  It also includes analysis of the replacement of the Information Tribunal by the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) and the Upper Tribunal.

Up-to-date with all changes since the publication of the previous edition, and containing a fully updated copy of the Act, this is an essential purchase for all those involved in receiving requests for access under the Act.

George has advised public and private clients on data protection and freedom of information issues.  He is on the Treasury Solicitor’s panel of Counsel who act for the Government in FOI cases.  He acted for the complainant in the early, and still leading, Information Tribunal case of Bellamy v Information Commissioner (disclosability of legal advice relied on by the DTI): recent cases include Keene v Information Commissioner and Central Office of Information (commercially sensitive information) and Dunn v Information Commissioner and Department of Communities and Local Government (lawyer/client privilege and Law Officers’ advice).

For further information and to purchase this title, please click here.

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George Peretz
