The Red Tape Challenge facing the UK, the EU and its institutions: The Policy and law behind Better (also known as Smart) Regulation


23 Mar, 2015    
5:30pm - 8:00pm


Event Type

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This is the second in an occasional  series of lectures by Christopher Muttukumaru CB, formerly General Counsel to the UK Department for Transport and now a barrister at Monckton Chambers, and by Lianne Mooldijk, a senior lawyer and head of Smart (or Better) Regulation at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment.

How should our governments and the EU institutions strike the right balance between, on the one hand,  unfettered activity by businesses and individuals and, on the other hand,  the need to protect wider interests, such as the security and safety of citizens and  consumer and environmental interests?

At the highest political level, the Member States and the European institutions have become increasingly focused on the need to regulate businesses in a proportionate and targeted way in order to drive economic growth. The presentations on 23 March will focus on the legal and policy measures that have been adopted in the UK and the Netherlands, as well as by the EU itself.

The issue of overregulation by the EU is also likely to be a major concern during the forthcoming UK parliamentary elections. The presentations will provide a useful evidence base to enable attendees to sift fact from fiction.

The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception.
