Second Annual Summer Webinar Series: Competition Law in the UK and EU – Mergers: The CMA Rattling the Sabre


8 Jul, 2021    
3:00pm - 4:00pm

Event Type

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has strengthened its approach to merger investigations, with new merger guidance, collaboration with international enforcers, and recent Competition Appeal Tribunal successes (such as Sabre/Farelogix and Facebook/Giphy). But has it gone too far? Or perhaps not far enough?

In this roundtable session, our experts will discuss where the CMA’s approach to merger control has changed, address how the change came about, and offer insight into reasons behind the change.

Grant Saggers, Director, NERA Economic Consulting

Eleni Gouliou, Director of Mergers, CMA
Alex Baker, Managing Director, Fingleton
Alison Berridge, Barrister, Monckton Chambers

