
10 Jun, 2014    
6:00pm - 7:30pm


Herbert Smith Freehills
Exchange House, Primrose St., London, EC2A 2EG

Event Type

The EU and UK Legal Framework in Practice

“Payment via phone bill” has the potential to become one of the most common payment methods in the future. The value and range of goods and services paid for by consumers via their phone bills is growing, and so too is interest in the regulatory framework for regulating premium rate phone services.

In this seminar, Monckton Chambers’ specialists in EU, competition and telecoms law explore some of the key issues likely to come before the courts in the coming years relating to the operation and effectiveness of the UK’s regulatory regime for premium rate services. They will also consider how that regime fits within, or may be in tension with, the wider EU framework for regulating electronic communications services. This is a seminar that will be of interest to executives in the premium rate and wider telecoms industry, as well as their in-house and external legal advisers.

Chaired by Kassie Smith QC

Programme 6:30pm – PhonepayPlus Practice and Procedure – Gerry Facenna

6:45pm – Regulation of premium rate video services – Ligia Osepciu

7:00pm – UK regulation of premium rate services and the EU legal framework: Complementary or in conflict? – Alan Bates

7:15pm – Panel Discussion with our speakers and Laura Harcombe Partner of Hamlins LLP

Click here to download the full Regulating Premium Rate Services under Law programme.

How to register: Our seminars are free to attend. To ensure your place, please RSVP to Jessica Lines or call 020 7468 6330.
