European Public Procurement


22 Sep, 2015 - 23 Sep, 2015    
All day

Event Type

Michael Bowsher QC will be speaking at the IBC Legal European Public Procurement Conference in Brussels.

Michael will be speaking on the following matter:

Understanding the Light Touch Regime

  • What was the point of removing the part A/part B distinction and replacing it with a Light Touch regime?
  • What types of contracts does it apply to? Is there any sense to the selection?
  • And if it is the right approach for these contracts, why not apply a Light Touch regime to all public contracts?  Why shouldn’t this be the future of all public procurement?
  • What are the applicable obligations? What can Member States’ systems add or subtract?
  • What should authorities be able to achieve with a Light Touch procurement?

For more information and to register, please click here.
