Advanced judicial review


26 Apr, 2022 - 28 Apr, 2022    
All day

Event Type

The programme is presented in partnership with the Public Law Project.

Know how to do judicial review and want to up-skill?  This is the course for you, with insight and outlook across cutting-edge and key areas of practice in judicial review.

Who this event is for
Lawyers involved in all aspects of judicial review and public law, including solicitors and barristers; academics and researchers in public law; policy people in Government or NGOs concerned with public law; law students.

As delegates you will

  • Learn to use the common law as an alternative to HRA
  • Make urgent JR applications with more confidence
  • Appeal cases to the ECtHR
  • Understand the Criminal Justice and Courts Act, what it limits and allows and implications for current and future JR reform
  • Use public law to challenge criminalisation of marginalised groups and understand the private / public crossover with discrimination and damages claims.

Monckton members speaking: George Peretz QC, Anneli Howard QC, Piers Gardner, Alan Bates, Nikolaus Grubeck, Michael Armitage, Imogen Proud and Khatija Hafesji.

The course will be delivered online over Zoom, with seminars in early morning and mid afternoon to allow time for work and other commitments. All seminars are recorded for delegates to access after the event.

For the full programme and to book, please click here. Discounted tickets are available for charities / NGOs / Third sector.
