Conor McCarthy represents Bureau of Investigative Journalism in joined mass surveillance case against the UK government in The Grand Chamber of the ECHR

10 Jul 2019

Big Brother Watch and Others v. the United Kingdom

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has heard the case brought by the Bureau of Investigative Journalists (TBIJ) against the government’s use of mass surveillance. The case deals with, among other issues, the rights of journalists to protect their sources and journalistically privileged information.

TBIJ, alongside a number of organisations, including human rights groups, brought their case against the UK’s mass surveillance programme following revelations by whistle-blower Edward Snowden that GCHQ was undertaking extensive surveillance of internet communications.

Conor McCarthy is instructed by Rosa Curling of Leigh Day. The judgment of the court will be reserved to a later date.This follows the ECHR’s first ruling on UK mass surveillance programmes in September 2018. See website news here.
