Appointment of Standing Counsel to the Civil Aviation Authority

28 Nov 2012

Monckton Chambers warmly congratulates Anneli Howard who, following an open competition, has been appointed as Standing Counsel to the Civil Aviation Authority.

The Civil Aviation Bill, currently before Parliament and due to receive Royal Assent by the end of the year, will confer on the CAA new and more flexible economic regulatory functions in relation to airports including powers under the Competition Act 1998, the Enterprise Act 2002 as well as Articles 101 and 102 TFEU.  Anneli will advise the CAA on the exercise of its investigatory powers, regulation of airports and operators as well as its responsibilities under EU regulatory rules in the aviation sector.

Anneli is honoured to accept the appointment, which builds upon her extensive experience in UK and EU competition law and regulatory policy. Listed as one of the top 100 Women in Antitrust by Global Competition Review, Anneli is widely recognised as a leading junior in EU law and competition law. Described by Chambers UK as “a client’s dream counsel – a real class act“, Anneli is “a fine choice for when methodical and alert competition assistance is required“.
