Andrew Macnab publishes Book on EC/Competition Law

01 Feb 2010

The 2010 edition of Bellamy and Child: Materials on European Community Law of Competition, edited by Andrew Macnab of Monckton Chambers, was published by Oxford University Press on 28 January 2010.

This volume of EC competition law materials serves both as the Materials volume of the Sixth Edition of Bellamy & Child: European Community Law of Competition, and as a free-standing work of reference in its own right. It includes legislation, notices and guidelines relevant to all areas of EC competition law (including Treaty provisions, modernisation and procedural matters, substantive antitrust matters, mergers and concentrations, sectoral regimes, public undertakings and State aids). It provides a one-stop resource for competition and antitrust practitioners worldwide.

This book is ideally suited to practitioners dealing with competition (antitrust), business and EC law; competition and trade authorities; practitioners and regulators in key sectors such as telecommunications, financial services, intellectual property and transport; academics and students specialising in competition (antitrust), business and EC law; reference libraries; in each case, throughout Europe and worldwide.

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