The Lawyer’s Hot 100 lists Ronit Kreisberger

08 Jan 2007

On 8th January 2007, The Lawyer published The Hot 100 which identified members of the legal profession who have excelled in their chosen fields during the past year. The edition features a section for Competition law in which Ronit Kreisberger was highlighted.

“This time last year Ronit Kreisberger was a senior associate and qualified solicitor advocate at Herbert Smith. She made waves last March when she decided to make the switch to the bar and, as a competition expert, found a natural home at Monckton Chambers. Kreisberger is now one of the set’s rising stars.

Kreisberger hit the ground running in her new role by acting for the OFT when it intervened in House of Lords proceedings in Inntrepreneur Pub Company v Crehan, the first case in which a UK court awarded damages for harm suffered as a result of a competition law infringement. This brought an end to a case that had been rumbling on for 15 years.

More importantly, this case may have proved Kreisberger’s intellectual credentials with Monckton, but her ‘seven years at the coalface’ at Herbert Smith have afforded her commercial nous and an understanding of what clients and solicitors want from their barrister – a rare combination”
